Studies have revealed that money is not the key to a motivated workforce, so we can’t assume that leaders will always be intrinsically motivated just because they earn more than the people they manage. Someone who has been newly promoted to their managerial role might be more focused, however this will most likely be in line with some of Herzberg’s motivation factors, such as recognition, advancement, development and career progression and not necessarily with the extra pay.
So how do you inspire your managers beyond promotion?
In my humble opinion, the key to motivation at all levels is having a strong company culture that fosters:
Openness and transparency are essential, particularly at times of change or uncertainty. Build trust and influence by keeping your managers informed. Managers who are not in the know will lose credibility from their team members and this will result in negative behaviour.
Communication should also be encouraged amongst colleagues, as the relationships they develop will contribute to a positive culture. If your teams work remotely you might want to consider enabling channels to invite colleagues to bond with one another, in addition to the business conversations.
Businesses need people to succeed, so get your workforce to buy into the vision and strategy. Actively seek their feedback, listen to them and act upon their best suggestions. It’s a great ego boost when employees see themselves reflected in their company and this is great for loyalty.
Personalities aside, everyone likes to hear they are doing well, and managers are no exception. Kudos and praise can be wonderful to raise morale and show appreciation, regardless of the hierarchy. A culture that promotes this encourages employees to feel safe and develops trust.
Promote from within. Retain the talent you have. Work on your middle managers’ personal development programme (PDP) to get them to the next level.
Mentorship programmes can be a great way to nurture the talent at your disposal and succession plan, especially for executive roles when retaining the culture is a priority. Offering secondments enables people to move sideways and experience other areas of the organisation, spurring their growth and development of a wider skillset.
External management development courses are a great investment and can be particularly useful for tenured managers who would benefit from exposure to best practices and getting a view into how other people do business without leaving the company.
Leaders often enjoy sharing what they know with others and mentoring programmes are a great way of embedding that culture and sharing best practices. Also, if you look at the expanded hierarchy of needs, this is a great way to tap into the transcendence tier after your leaders have reached self-actualisation.
It doesn’t end there, though, as coaching managers to become better leaders can pay dividends to propel your workforce to the next level.
If you want a model behaviour to become a legacy, mentorship and coaching can help you achieve that. Start using these motivational skills and acknowledging achievements along with harnessing the abilities your people already have. This will then inspire your people beyond promotion and displays you have a strong investment in your leaders.
To find out more about how Davies Learning Experiences can help you get the best out of your leaders, get in touch with me or my colleague Lee Russell.
Cecilia Anderson
Learning Experiences Consultant
Lee Russell
Client Solutions Director