Case Studies
Creating compelling expert career paths
The client had challenges demonstrating real progression opportunities for their engineering talent. There was a feeling that to get ahead engineers had to move into people management roles and stop being technical.
Developing engineers across their whole career
The organisation had talent capability gaps & retention issues in both technical and behavioural areas.
Senior talent future leader programme
A rapidly expanding pensions provider needed to build the careers of specific talented individuals as future executives who have a greater impact across the organisation.
Art of leadership for emerging leaders
A major global bank were looking to enhance the leadership capability of its “Extended Leadership Team” who have a key role to play in cascading an efficient and effective way of operating which engages and motivates employees.
Building core capabilities
The organisation had a need for its emerging talent across SE Asia to “step up”, take greater responsibility for outcome delivery and have a greater impact outside their immediate functional area.
Blended onboarding journey
A major retailer needed to address the challenge of a large volume of their Technical Processes being centrally owned with information retained ‘in the heads’ of certain key employees.