CCP Resolution Planning - Why You Shouldn't Learn to Sail in a Storm - Davies

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CCP Resolution Planning – Why You Shouldn’t Learn to Sail in a Storm

Why You Shouldn't Learn to Sail in a Storm

‘Just how safe are financial markets today?’ asks clearing, risk and regulatory expert Christian Lee.


Our latest whitepaper on “CCP Resolution Planning – Why You Shouldn’t Learn to Sail in a Storm” explores new systemic risks emerging in some key post 2008 financial crisis measures, and discusses why the Financial Stability Board is urging Central Clearing Counterparties (CCPs) to “maintain momentum and avoid complacency” in ensuring they put robust recovery and resolution plans in place.

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Meet the expert

Christian Lee


Banking & Markets

I specialise in clearing, risk, derivatives reform and regulation, advising banks, international and regional exchanges and central counterparties how to manage regulatory change.

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