White papers | A view on risk migration

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Dear CEO – a view on risk migration

The ‘Dear CEO’ letter on outsourcing issued by the FSA (now FCA) in December 2012 was prompted by the regulator’s concerns around the deficiencies and inconsistencies exhibited by the asset manager community around their management and oversight of material outsourcing relationships. Download this white paper to learn more

The ‘Dear CEO’ letter on outsourcing issued by the FSA (now FCA) in December 2012 was prompted by the regulator’s concerns around the deficiencies and inconsistencies exhibited by the asset manager community around their management and oversight of material outsourcing relationships.

Download this white paper from James Hockley


About the author

James Hockley


Asset & Wealth Management

Throughout my career I have advised the investment industry on creating the operating and servicing models that will best serve their increasingly complex business goals, whether as a banker to – or working for – such firms, or now as an advisor to both.

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