As experts in all aspects of asset management, Davies is delighted to support the Global Investment Futures initiative from the City of London and their partners.
Further details are below and you can also find out more here.
The UK is one of the largest and most diverse centres of investment management in the world. It is second only to the US and is the largest centre for investment management in Europe. Growing international assets under management and attracting foreign investment is critical to the future success of the sector.
The City of London Corporation, the Department for International Trade and the Investment Association have launched Global Investment Futures, an international campaign to promote and support the UK’s leading investment management offer.
The UK is a leading investment management centre and offers unrivalled benefits globally. It’s a trusted and established place to do business, which gives you access to the world in every sense. It also has a proven track record for nurturing creativity, and has the investment expertise and scale to finance the global greener future.