Program Management
Davies will structure and facilitate the migration program to an optimal outcome. We have both S/4HANA and Finance Transformation (technology agnostic) experience. Your program will focus and accelerate migration while ensuring Finance operations and management remain the same or improve as targeted.
Key Design Choices
We understand Finance and will guide and facilitate the migration to be effective for Finance operations, management, and sustainability. S/4HANA is unlikely to be a fully “1 for 1” replacement and some design choices (e.g. EOD, currency) will have to be made. Its impact on both migration and Finance needs to be considered. This is also a time to address prior design choices that are not working well.
Operating Model
We believe that a successful migration includes an updated operating model reflecting all migration change aspects. Many migrations focus on the software and technology, leaving the firm to resolve its operating model after the migration. In addition, post-migration remediation is likely to be needed.
Change Management
Davies will align stakeholder expectations, control scope, manage risks, determine timing of changes, and ensure adoption (education and training).
Be Ready for the Migration Program
Many firms do not have complete and up to date documentation to support an expedited migration. Davies can assist you in updating your current state documentation (e.g. methods and processes) to avoid delays.
Project Team Augmentation
Davies has resources with financial management, operations, accounting, GL design, hierarchy and taxonomy experience in addition to core project resources (e.g. BAs, SAP migration consultants).