Drama Films for Learning - Davies

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Drama Films for Learning

Harnessing our emotions for deep-rooted behaviour change.

The understanding of the influence that emotion has on thinking and learning has undergone a major transformation, with our increased understanding of neuroscience.

The old view that emotions interfered with learning processes, has now been dispelled and the new understanding is that emotions and cognition are actually supported by interdependent neural processes. This confluence is termed “emotional thought” – it works at a visceral level and encompasses processes of learning, memory, decision-making, and creativity.

What this means in practice is that done well, with considered intent – drama film in learning is the most powerful digital medium available for effecting real behavioural change. Whether its in high-consequence scenarios (for example in the health and safety space) or in the application of developing communication skills (for example in dealing with Vulnerable Customers) we can help reach the parts other learning doesn’t reach…

In conjunction with our trusted partners we can create consumer-grade, sophisticated and nuanced drama films which either can stand alone, or be built into adaptive experiences where you can follow characters, make choices and ‘choose your own adventure’.

Meet the experts

Felicity Whyte

See full profile

Mark Brierley

See full profile