Davies case studey on funds services efficiency improvement

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Funds services efficiency improvement

As well as realising an on-shore headcount reduction of 25%, we also helped our client to achieve a measurable increase in their client satisfactions levels

The challenge

Our objective was to increase on-shore process efficiency to allow more value-add service to clients. The operation had evolved over time to a set of bespoke processes and reporting across multiple clients, lacking standardization. There had also been an under-investment in technology, which resulted in technology inefficiencies and the operation was facing high service demands from low profit-margin clients.

Our approach

We worked with the business to segment their client-base and agree on a support model for the clients. We reviewed the bespoke processes across the clients and worked with the business and clients to reduce the number of different instances of processes and reports. For simple funds such as pure equity funds, the operation off-shored pricing and initial NPV to India while implementing a workflow tool for efficient onshore review and approval. There were other technology improvements implemented based on report rationalisation.

Our impact

Our client’s onshore headcount was reduced by 25%; there was an increase in value-add services to clients and a measurable increase in client satisfaction. We also ensured that the execution was performed over time, client by client, to that the client experience was not negatively impacted.