Learning without noticing - reaching the modern learner - Davies

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Learning without noticing – reaching the modern learner

Today, more than ever, our biggest barrier to learning is…Time.

Rather than creating a formal, centralised destination or tech stack for learning, L&D needs to embed learning throughout the organisation. Sure, that may sound simplistic, but when done right, it can result in a hugely impactful shift in how you deliver and support learning.

By deeply understanding what employees are actually doing day-to-day, their environment, and the tools they use, you can seamlessly integrate learning opportunities into their workflow (so that it does not become a distraction, but instead becomes an enabler to productivity).

Mature L&D organisations are taking a fresh approach. Find out how we can help improve your organisational performance by filling out the form below.

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Meet the author

Felicity Whyte

Growth and Innovation Consultant

People & Organisational Performance

I thrive on collaborating with and advocating for our global clients, helping them to drive human performance through thoughtfully designed learning solutions.

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