June 4, 2019
The challenge
Our client’s operation had some 60% of its personnel located in the US and UK, 35% in India and 5% in Singapore. The goal was to reduce the onshore base from 60 to 35 % while not increasing total FTE count in India.
Our approach
The business opted to build-out a presence in Manila by moving well established processes from India thus creating the necessary capacity to absorb more work from the US and UK while remaining within the set FTE country limit.
The business identified well established, documented and standard processes onshore to move to India. Teams from India were brought onshore for knowledge transfer for 1-3 months then the onshore team went to India to support the offshore team and finalize the transition. At the conclusion of the project the firm had 35% of its personnel in the USA and UK, 40 % in India, 5% in Singapore and 20% in Manila. The execution was performed over 2-3 years to reduce operational risks and ensure that client experience was not impacted.
Our impact
We achieved a 25% migration of effort from on-shore to off-shore, delivering material cost reduction through personnel arbitrage costs.