RSA Personal Lines

    • Driving better performance and output from the content build team to enhance the build of e-learning with gamification and micro learning.

    • Key learning areas needed to be built within the call centres that allow the learner the space and freedom to learn away from their usual desk.

    • Recommendation on the adoption of Errol Owl to help with knowledge retention.

“Our business results are driven by our brilliant, capable people. Davies helped us to define and implement what was needed in the modern digital age to deliver legendary service to our customers”

How we helped

RSA were aware that their in-house LMS (Cornerstone – rebranded internally as Horizon) was perhaps not being used to its fullest potential, with key learning not always reaching the intended individuals.

Learning which did reach its intended learners was sometimes reported as dull, repetitive and uninspiring. The data and insight capability of Horizon was not always being fully realised with key management missing an opportunity to receive useful information that could either drive the business KPI’s or better inform the build of future learning.

Feedback from employees indicated that although time is allocated to learn, it was rarely realised due to time and work constraints. Surveyed employees also reported that the surroundings in which they are expected to learn is too noisy and is not conducive to a successful learning environment.

The team from Davies worked closely with RSA to gather feedback across the personal lines estate through focus groups, interviews and questionnaires in order to understand how effective the current digital learning strategy was. From the feedback, a presentation and detailed report was built with a number of recommendations made around the following areas:

  • Driving better performance and output from the content build team to enhance the build of e-learning with gamification and micro learning.
  • Develop a clear link between learning offerings and business outcomes. From this a clear ‘End to End Learning Lifecycle’ was built for RSA Personal Lines.
  • Promotion of the LMS was key to its success. It needed to be rebranded and relaunched with a clear link to RSA’s Digital First strategy.
  • Key learning areas needed to be built within the call centres that allow the learner the space and freedom to learn away from their usual desk.
  • Dedicated personal learning time needed to be built into capacity planning and preserved.
  • Learning Pathways to be built for all. They are to be role specific and relevant to driving business results.
  • Recommendation on the adoption of Errol Owl to help with knowledge retention.


It was found that RSA’s LMS (Cornerstone) was fit for purpose. The opportunity was very much centred on its promotion and credibility within the business. There was an opportunity to generate more learner traffic through Cornerstone and to achieve the associated knowledge benefits. The LMS was seen by learners as unappealing to use due to the type of content and the ability to search and find relevant content.

On further analysis it was found that the learning cycle was failing at the start of the process and there was an opportunity to create greater connection between business goals and learning outcomes.

With a rebranded LMS, learner pathways, dedicated learning time/ space and enhanced e-learning design capability, connected to the end to end learning life cycle produced by Davies, they will be able to produce learning that engages the learners, provides meaningful reporting insight to management and demonstrates that true ROI is measured and driven.

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