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Press Releases

Davies’s WealthBriefing award winners feature in Acclaim

Following our Best Management Consultancy win, the judges say Davies is in a different class from the competition

Davies features in the Chartered Governance Institute magazine

Boards need to respond to the events of 2020 with clarity about their core purpose and accountability, not only to their business but also to the wider world.

Davies Placeholder logo

Davies features in Citywire Wealth Manager

Paddy Lewis discusses why potential investors may be more hesitant to invest over the next year

Davies Placeholder logo

Davies CMO joins Chartered Banker Institute Board

The Chartered Banker Institute has announced the election of four new Trustees including Davies CMO Sue Primmer

Announcing the FundTech 2020 Award Winners

The winners were announced in a virtual awards ceremony on the 29th October

Davies Wins Best Management Consultancy at the WealthBriefing European Awards 2020

We're delighted to announce that Davies has been crowned ‘Best Management Consultancy’ at the 8th Annual WealthBriefing European Awards