Aon Apprenticeship Strategy Case Study

  • 500

    Over 500 apprentices on programmes delivered by DLS

  • DLS set themselves apart through their genuine insurance specialist expertise

To date (Sept 2020) we have had over 500 apprentices on programmes delivered by DLS. I would not hesitate in recommending them to any employer in our sector.

We have worked with Davies Learning Solutions (DLS), formerly FWD, since the inception of levy funding over 3 years ago. From day one it was clear that DLS worked with us operating as a true partner informing, consulting & supporting us as we developed & launched our apprenticeship strategy. This enabled us to develop our ‘Go Further’ apprenticeship initiative which has resulted in us successfully utilising our levy to support CII qualifications throughout our business, including school leaver & Graduate programmes as well as existing staff, with programmes at Cert,  Dip & Adv Dip levels.

There are a lot of subtleties & nuances to running a successful apprenticeship programme, including the all-important communication of the requirements & benefits to leaders, managers & colleagues. DLS set themselves apart through their genuine insurance specialist expertise, from their leaders through to their coaches & tutors. This means they understand our business requirements & can work with us to tailor programmes that respond to business demands & integrate with our wider strategy.

To date (Sept 2020) we have had over 500 apprentices on programmes delivered by DLS. I would not hesitate in recommending them to any employer in our sector.

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