Responsible Business

Responsible Business

Davies is committed to being a responsible and sustainable business. We see ourselves as a people business, with strong environmental and ethical obligations. Our Responsible Business strategy is founded on three pillars: nurturing our people and communities, taking action for our planet, and fulfilling our purpose ethically.

Watch our strategy overview

Our Responsible Business Reports

Responsible Business Report Image
Download our FY23 Report

We support the UN SDGs

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 interlinked global objectives designed to address various societal challenges including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. They are a blueprint for global peace and prosperity for people and the planet. Businesses should commit to these goals because, beyond their ethical responsibility, their long-term success is intrinsically linked to a sustainable global economy, and integrating SDGs can drive innovation, build customer loyalty, attract and retain talent, and mitigate risks.

Davies supports all the UN SDGs through its business practices, we are also a member of the UN Global Compact. Our Responsible Business strategy is particularly aligned around five core SDGs that are most material to the business, our values and where Davies can make the most impact.

Provide equitable access to the skills and knowledge needed for success.

Ensure equal opportunity for all and reduce outcome inequalities.

Inspire climate resilience and take urgent action to tackle climate change.

Enable anyone to have the opportunity for secure and decent work.

Ensure ethical, transparent, representative and accountable decision making.

Responsible Business Leadership at Davies

Emma Wedderburn

Emma Wedderburn

Group Chief HR Officer

Group Chief HR Officer, Emma Wedderburn, is responsible for Davies’ Responsible Business function and Davies people. Emma is chair of the Responsible Business Steering Committee, a member of the Group Executive Board and reports into the Group Chief Executive Officer. Emma is also responsible for the Group’s Global Guiding Principles, which binds Davies and all its subsidiaries in a commitment to good business practice.

Gillie Fairbrother

Global Responsible Business Officer

Gillie Fairbrother reports to Emma Wedderburn and is responsible for Davie’s Responsible Business strategy and driving sustainability performance across the Group. This includes environmental impact, culture and community investment.

Davies Responsible Business Team & Governance Structure

Davies Group Board

Responsible Business Board Committee

Including CEO Dan Saulter, CHRO Emma Wedderburn and our non-Exec Board member Dr Nneka Abulokwe, OBE.

Group Executive Team

Responsible Business Steering Committee

Team of cross functional business leaders and subject matter experts who are responsible for driving Responsible Business initiatives across the business and reporting progress to group exec. Led by the Responsible Business function.

Responsible Business Champions

Cross functional groups & individual champions that meet as needed to drive key operating initiatives. Including Climate Action Group, Employee Resource Groups.


Our social pillar focuses on advancing social opportunity and equality, through education, learning and development within our business and our communities. We want Davies to be a place where anyone can thrive, by valuing and developing our colleagues, cultivating inclusive employer practices and aligning the Davies Foundation and our community investment strategy around social mobility.

People Highlights

Diversity & Inclusion Award at 2024 National Insurance Awards

two new
Employee Resource Groups - Eco Davies & Women’s Network

global volunteering

People Documents

UK Gender Pay Gap Report Commentary 2022 Download
Modern Slavery Statement - Davies Group Download


We are taking urgent action as a Group to tackle climate change and minimise our impact on the environment. We are pursuing a science-based net-zero future, committing to carbon and resource reduction, and innovating for environmental gains across Davies’
value chain.

ESG & Climate Analyst to manage carbon accounting & decarbonisation

net-zero goals
to Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

Established Eco Davies,
Employee Resource Group

Planet Documents

Davies TCFD Report 2023 Download
Carbon Reduction Plan 2023 Download
Environmental Statement Download


ESG performance is a key factor in our business success. Our governance framework follows best practice to ensure that our leadership structure, culture and business actions are underpinned by laws and ethics and align with our values. Davies will continue to operate responsibly and engage and educate stakeholders through transparent reporting.

Purpose Highlights

Created Office
of Responsible Business for environmental impact, culture, and community investment

Boosted EcoVadis rating by
11 points

Submitted first
annual Communication on Progress (CoP) to UN Global Compact (UNGC)

Purpose Documents

Information Security Policy Statement Download
Financial Crime Statement Download
Responsible Business Statement Download
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Statement Download
Conduct Risk Statement 2024 Download
Modern Slavery Statement - Davies Group Download
Davies TCFD Report 2023 Download
Sustainable Procurement Statement 2024 Download