Transforming reporting at major retailer

9th March 2020

A large retailer found itself far behind the competition in its ability to analyse and derive valuable management information from its contact centre data. While it knew what was going on in its stores, it had very little insight into its contact centre.

In particular, with no automated reporting, our client was unable to accurately measure key events, wasn’t able to predict volumes or customer behaviour and couldn’t quantify reasons for calls. That, in turn, meant that it had no knowledge on which to base efforts to improve the customer experience.

How we helped:

We were appointed to help address this lack of insight and generate actionable management information and reports from the retailer’s existing platform. We assigned an experienced member of our team to act as dedicated project owner and help build a plan focusing on specific use cases and measures of success, whilst setting realistic project goals.

As a first step, we used the tools already available in the client’s own environment to generate actionable insight to improve operational performance. Our dedicated project owner then worked with the client team to identify key use cases and themes. We then configured the client’s systems to generate reports around these themes automatically – saving time and improving the quality of the output.

The reports produced easily consumable data and insights to help the frontline teams take immediate action, rather than having to search for the information they required to be successful.

The Results:

By transforming reporting processes, defining new templates and automating the production of reports, we have helped the retailer reduce the effort associated with producing general operational reports manually by around 40%. These reports have also transformed training & education, by supporting an organisational culture of coaching-through-data.

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