The Davies Group Compliance Department adheres to a policy of strict compliance with the laws and regulations governing its business, not only as a legal obligation, but also because it is good business practice. The Davies Group strives to create an environment in which the application of high legal and ethical standards by all employees is the natural approach to business. These standards enable us to ensure that our interactions between Clients and Customers are of a high standard. The department is responsible for corporate governance and internal control, and for establishing and maintaining systems and procedures.
Compliance Office
4th Floor,
No. 2 Smithfields,
Stoke on Trent,
James Heath, Group Chief Risk Officer
T. 0247 665 8256
Treating Customers Fairly
Our reputation for delivering a high quality services to our clients is the corner stone of our success.
We understand that the quality of our service has a direct impact on our client’s brand integrity. By working in partnership with us you are ensuring your public image is in safe hands. At every point in our business we actively measure our service and implement best practice.
We employ the best people and empower them to deliver remarkable results. We do this through our commitment to training and professional development. Our employees have a clear understanding of our clients’ needs and at all times adhere to their individual service level agreements.
Our advanced-technology service centre delivers consistently excellent customer service. We have built quality into our claims system with individual client instructions embedded into our workflows. We deliver first class management information and consistency in all communication with our clients and they’re policyholders.
We treat our customers fairly and at all times remain alert to their issues and concerns. We act with empathy and manage expectations by ensuring that everyone involved in a claim is fully informed at all times.
We are committed to delivering remarkable results and we never rest in our desire to improve the quality of our service.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Davies Group is committed to conducting our business in a socially responsible and ethical way. In doing so we adopt policies and arrangements which recognise both our own social, economic and environmental beliefs and those of our clients and partners.
We value integrity, openness and honesty in everything we do and the people we employ.
Our Employees
Davies strives to attract, recruit and retain high calibre employees and work hard throughout the employment relationship at inspiring, engaging and developing the talent we recruit.
We work hard at ensuring that communication flows not only top down but bottom up within our organisation and look to find creative and innovative ways of engaging our team.
Employees are guided by clear principles and statements of behaviour which set high standards for our employees, so collectively we work together to form a Company where people want to work.
We promote a culture and create working environments that embrace diversity and we work to ensure that individual and collective worker behaviours reflect this throughout the organisation at all times.
Health & Safety
Davies Group recognise that good health and safety management makes a significant contribution to our business performance.
We work hard to ensure a high standard of care for our employees and others who may be affected by our business activities. We constantly look for ways to reduce the potential for injury and ill health which in turn reduces the potential for unnecessary losses and liabilities.
Our health and safety policy is fully compliant with the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act.
We are committed to minimising the impact we have on the environment and continually monitor and invest in new ways of reducing our impact in this regard.
Our fleet of company vehicles is limited by both MPG and CO2 emissions specifically to reduce its impact on the environment.
With regard to energy conservation, we encourage our staff to act in socially responsible ways that will help to minimise our carbon emissions such as turning off lights, taking public transport, using conferencing facilities and switching off their PC’s.
Additionally we have in place effective waste management procedures such as the re-use of equipment wherever possible, the use of sustainable products and the provision of recycling facilities.
We can often resolve any concerns you may have right away, so please as a first step get in touch with your usual contact or claims handler.
If you’re not happy with our response and feel we’ve not considered all your issues or you can provide further information, please let us know and we’ll be happy to review.
During the complaints process we will keep you informed of how and where to escalate your complaint further if you feel you would like an independent review. This is very much dependent upon your insurer.
The following options are available to carry out an independent review of your complaint if you remain unhappy.
Financial Ombudsman Service
The Financial Ombudsman Service can help with most complaints but if you are unsure whether the Financial Ombudsman Service will consider your complaint, please contact them directly for advice. The service they provide is free and impartial and contacting them at any stage of your complaint will not affect your legal rights.
The contact details are:
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
Their phone numbers are 0300 123 9123 (charged at a national rate) or 0800 023 4567 (free from landlines).
You can send an e-mail to:
Or you can log on to their website:
Lloyds of London
If we are unable to resolve a complaint, and your policy is underwritten at Lloyd’s, you may refer your complaint to Lloyd’s for review. Lloyd’s’ contact details are below, and further information on the referral process can be found on the Lloyd’s website.
Fidentia House
Walter Burke Way
Chatham Maritime
ME4 4RNTelephone: 020 7327 5693
Modern Slavery Statement
Davies Group has a zero tolerance approach to Modern Slavery. We are committed to our values to ‘Inspire, Deliver, Empower and Aspire’ in the work we do, including acting ethically in all our business dealings to help combat slavery and human trafficking. To achieve our objective, we commit to implement effective systems and controls to ensure Modern Slavery is not taking place within our own business and our supply chain.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54 part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It constitutes Davies Group slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 30 June 2021.
The Davies Loss Adjusters LLP Life Assurance and Pension Scheme
Statement of Investment Principles
Anti-Bribery & Corruption Statement
Information Security
Information security -ISO27001 (Certificate available on request)
ISMS Executive Support Statement