Case Studies Type: Legal Solutions

Breach of authority

We acted for insurers in connection with a breach of authority by a broker coverholder under a binding authority agreement.  The matter comprised two stages: firstly, determining the coverage position in relation to a high value claim under the insurance (including the question of which contract of insurance would respond); then, secondly, dealing with the potential liability of the broker coverholder to insurers.

Written by on 19th Feb 2020

Construction mediation avoids costly trial

We acted on the instructions of insurers for civil and structural engineers in two claims brought against various construction professionals by the freeholder and the tenant arising out of the design and construction of a high-bay distribution warehouse.

Written by on 19th Feb 2020

Potentially precedent-setting CA decision on vicarious liability

Keoghs abuse team has been acting for Barclays Bank plc and its insurers in a major group action concerning the issue of whether the bank can be liable for assaults by an independent contractor (a GP in private practice who is alleged to have assaulted nearly 200 people in the course of pre-employment medical examinations).

Written by on 19th Feb 2020