Learning Retention

Encouraging and enabling employee development 

Learning Retention

Encouraging and enabling employee development 

Our Learning Retention platform, Errol Owl, is a unique tool designed to increase the effectiveness of your learning solutions.

90% of what we learn within one week is forgotten.

An easy and enjoyable way to follow up on learning

Created to help encourage employee engagement, Errol Owl empowers employees with professional development, raising the long-term impact of learning interventions.

Making learning fun through regular quiz-style questions, the platform helps team members to understand what learning they have retained and remind them of essential points they may have forgotten. While artificial intelligence provides a flexible learning feature with a built-in capability to tailor future questions by analyzing user’s previous responses.


Get control of your organization’s learning

The best thing about Errol Owl is that it gives you complete control over what questions are used and how they are delivered to your learners. It provides detailed reporting that allows for in-depth analysis of knowledge retention and further learning opportunities.

But most importantly, the platform also identifies individual learners who may be struggling and need targeted coaching.

Accurate, current and targeted learning insights

By making learning part of your culture for all staff, including new starters, you will provide information and fill knowledge gaps as soon as they are discovered. This will enable you to make your people competent much faster! Question sets and learning can be adapted over the course of the year to keep the learning fresh, while providing accurate, current and targeted learning insights, on an individual, team and organizational basis. Highlighting any knowledge gap hotspots, and helping to inform future learning needs within your business.

Engaging learners

A simple user interface provides a great learning experience. Our users enjoy the challenge and the ability to learn on the go. Where appropriate, the platform can also be used to engender healthy competition too. With leaderboards and shared insights to encourage friendly rivalry.

Facilitating user growth and self-improvement – two fundamental ingredients of employee engagement and employee wellness – Errol Owl can also play a large role in reducing work stress and improving team quality of life.

We often see a positive impact on operational KPIs through the use of Errol Owl, including improved AHT, improved quality scores, reduction in complaints and increased CSAT.

With Errol Owl, you will:

  • Make your organization’s learning “stick”
  • Achieve clear ROI on training initiatives
  • Reduce the time it takes for your people to feel competent in their roles
  • Gain deeper insights into what your people know and what they need to still discover
Are you ready to be more in control of your learning program?
Drop us your email address and we will get in touch.