Fraud Detection

Stop fraud before it even starts

Fraud Detection

Stop fraud before it even starts

Using AI to detect and escalate suspect transactions  

Tackling fraud is a priority for many businesses. Intelligent Automation is proven to help detect more fraudulent claims earlier in the process. You can automate rules-based checks, providing a systematic way of checking every claim against every criterion.

An algorithm-led approach you can count on

Our algorithm-led solutions simplify and expedite potential fraud detection. Allowing your team to:

  • Detect more suspect transactions
  • Make more effective use of your fraud prevention team by focusing their efforts on the suspect transactions
  • Reduce fraud losses across the operation.

Our Fraud Detection solutions typically pay for themselves within a matter of weeks, saving businesses millions of pounds annually. Our algorithm-led solution helped one national medical insurer increase fraud detection by $195m per year!

Spotting unusual patterns

Our Fraud Detection solution can make it easy for your business to compare any transactions received against a ‘normal’ model. If a claim doesn’t fit the pattern, it will be promptly flagged to your fraud prevention team for review. The approach is far faster than reviewing transactions against many thousands of rules – and far more accurate than human detection.

Are you interested in using AI to detect and escalate suspect fraud in your business?
Fill in your details via the button below and we'll be in touch.