Trucking & Cargo

Top-notch trucking, heavy equipment & cargo claims handling

Accurate, Well-Documented, Timely Physical Damage Appraisals & Valuations

Partnering with us means you’ll have access to leading claims technology, specialist insurance professionals, and trustworthy end-to-end claims solutions. We provide a full range of desk-led technical claims handling, adjusting, appraisals, and supply chain solutions supported by our national network of field claims adjusting specialists.

Our trucking, heavy equipment, and cargo team understands the nuanced issues you face daily. Our high-quality service allows us to work efficiently to resolve losses while meeting client commitments. We oversee the claims process, including accurate repair cost estimating, total loss valuation and settlement, diminished value assessment and calculation, and salvage disposal.

Our Achievements


Global Professionals


Staff Adjusters


Claims Adjudicated Annually

Our Services

  • Trucking
  • Heavy Equipment
  • Farm Equipment
  • Bus
  • Transit
  • Fleets & Shippers
  • Auto Cargo Liability
  • Cargo Liability
  • Interstate, Mediations & Settlement Conferences
  • Intermodal, Load Transfers & Cold Storage
  • Inland Marine
  • Subrogation

Key Contacts

Jeff Bode

President of Transportation TPA

Bryan Johnson

COO Transportation Claims for Davies in North America

Kyle Streetman

VP of TPA Services for Davies in North America

Chas Nickells

VP of Business Development, Transportation Claims for Davies in North America

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