Product Liability

An expertly managed approach to product liability claims

Handling Product Liability Claims From Start to Finish

We understand the complexities of product liability claims. Our liability claims professionals have the experience to manage all aspects and phases of a claim, including alleged design defects; failure to warn or instruct foreseeable product users; manufacturing defects associated with materials and quality control; service, repair, and installation issues; express and implied warranties; and other contractual matters.

We thoroughly review the details of each claim and tailor a plan from the ground up to ensure the most appropriate resolution for our client’s needs.

Our Services

  • Claim Investigations
  • Claim Evaluations
  • Product Safety & Liability Review
  • Product Recall Consultation

Key Contacts

Don Lederer

CEO Claims Solutions for Davies in North America

Brian Harlow

President of E&S/Program TPA

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