MDD Forensic Accounting


Hire us

Having worked on a wide depth and breadth of cases, you can trust our forensic accountants to provide assessments that stand up in a legal setting. 

How we can help  

MDD have worked to provide litigation support services for over 500 industries, including: 

  • Construction: Dealing with surety bonds matters, insolvency, funds control, start-up delays, etc  
  • Valuation: Dealing with business and shareholder disputes, divorce matters, acquisition or disposition of business, etc 
  • Damages quantification: Dealing with construction defects or delays, infringements on intellectual property or patents, product liability and recall, toxic tort, employment litigation, etc 
  • Corruption: Dealing with review of anti-corruption programs, regulatory investigations, risk and other internal assessments, etc 
  • Fraud: Dealing with Ponzi schemes, bankruptcy, whistleblowing investigations, embezzlements, etc 

Discover more about our litigation support services today. Contact us. See below.  

Ephraim Stulberg

Ephraim Stulberg - Partner/Senior Vice President