Forensic Accounting

Liability Losses

Get a handle on liability matters 

Hire us

Rely on our Liability team when you need help assessing the financial impact of events related to recalls and lost profits.

How we can help 

Our team of highly experienced, qualified forensic accountants can assist with: 

  • Tracking and measuring post-disaster procedures including clean-up and decontamination 
  • Identify expenses related to product recall and disposal 
  • Analysis of costs relevant to product rehab and re-establishment efforts 
  • Providing expert witness testimony as required 
  • Evaluation and documenting physical damages  
  • Examining operational and financial records for lost profits claims 
  • Identifying and valuing additional expenses  
  • Quantify losses associated with alleged professional negligence  

Discover more about how we can support you in cases of liability losses.  

Reinhard Krestel

Reinhard Krestel - Partner