Our consultants provide a wide variety of consulting services to employer groups that are self-insured or provide coverage via captive insurance companies. Our services include:
Get In TouchWe provide full actuarial support to assist clients in the financial management of their self-insured group medical plan. Deliverable items include:
Our health actuaries have experience in providing a full range of actuarial services to captive insurance companies and self-insured employers who issue medical stop loss coverage. We can suggest appropriate plan designs and the applicable insurance rates for these insurers that will meet their risk management objectives.
Merlinos can prepare a customized self-insurance feasibility study for employer groups who currently fund their group medical benefits on a fully insured basis. This study will assist the employer group in understanding the savings opportunities that may exist when converting the group medical plan to a self-insured funding arrangement. Our study will also quantify the level of volatility that employers can expect under such an arrangement. In addition, we provide actuarial support to employer groups that are sharing their employee benefit risks with employers in a group medical captive.
Sponsors of self-insured group medical plans can realize significant plan savings by utilizing a Medicare Cost Plus reimbursement approach.
Our consultants provide actuarial support related to state-level regulations such as Florida Statute 112.08. We also provide actuarial certifications to applicants who are requesting Health Care Innovation Awards funding from The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
Our consultants provide employer groups with customized actuarial studies that illustrate, under multiple scenarios, the projected financial impact of PPACA on the client employer group. These studies incorporate specific client plan, rate, and census data.
Merlinos provides actuarial support for employer groups who are considering using their captive insurance company to reinsure certain employee benefits that are subject to Department of Labor regulation. We can assist employers in designing the right captive insurance program that meets risk objectives and satisfies any associated DOL requirements with respect to benefit enhancement.
We can prepare the required ASC 715 and GASB 45 actuarial valuations for entities that offer post-employment benefits other than pensions (OPEB’s) to eligible private and public sector employees. Our consultants can prepare any necessary financial disclosures and consult on how employer groups can manage these liabilities.
Our actuaries can quantify the actuarial value of long-term disability (LTD) case reserves for self-funded employer groups or captive insurance companies who reinsure group LTD benefits.